Friday, September 14, 2012

Helsinki City Marathon - Race Report

Never got to the starting grid. Life got in the way. Or the flu killed my participation. I think I could have managed a sub 4:30h finish. Maybe..

Instead I missed a month of running. Lost a lot of fitness during that stubborn flu. Espoon Rantamaraton coming up in a week. It's a half. I don't think I have a chance to beat my PR from May. There simply isn't enough time to regain the lost improvements. I've been out on my feet twice since I got healthy again.

Lesson learned?

Don't run your longest and hardest training run of the season the day before you go on a two day bachelor party / booze party. That just doesn't provide you the necessary recovery. And if you do, don't go on a five day kayaking trip the week after. Especially not one where you are paddling from dawn to dusk. And if you do, don't guide foreign visitors through all the local sights during three full consecutive days. And if you do, don't train kayak rolls in a cold baltic sea without a wet- or drysuit. And if you do, make sure you are in better shape than I was. If you totally wear yourself out, you will get sick if there are viruses around.

Hopefully I'll be able to publish a full race report from the Espoo Rantamaraton half marathon instead.

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