This morning I ran to work. Like so many days before. Except today was different. I was running below my MAF (Maximum Aerobic Funciton) heart rate of 148 bpm. Nothing exceptional there. I run mostly at or below MAF. But today was different. The pace reading on my Garmin oscillated around six minutes per kilometer, sometimes dropping well below six minutes. I've gotten used to seeing it oscillate at around seven minutes per kilometer. So I realized today was different.
I was running faster than ever.
I ran trough the calm summer morning with a silent joy in my heart. A conviction that there is some justice in this world spread trough me. You can't bluff yourself in running. You can't evade work and reap the benefits of others labors. You can't rely solely on your talent. You have to go the extra mile yourself. And when you do, you don't get instant results. You have to do it over, and over, again. Patiently. With persistence. There is something beautiful, and just, in it. You reap what you saw. It's an ancient truth, blurred by our complex urban environments. In running it's clarified. And when you see those inches of success. It strengthens you. You have been strengthening your body. And you find out your mind is strengthened along with it.
Keep doing those good things. And good things will follow. Stop doing them, try to take shortcuts, violate yourself, your environment, or fellow human beings - and bad things will follow. This truth is clarified in running. For life in general, it's the same - although blurred.
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